Upcoming Events
Winter has arrived
The snow has arrived, and it's time to put the Colpoy's Bay WI Community Hall to bed for the winter. It will stay nestled in it's spot until spring when we can open again and offer more great programs!
Happy Holidays, and enjoy a restful winter season!

Permaculture and Food Forests
On December 7, Julie Lamberts joined us to share her knowledge on the topic of permaculture and food forests. It was an engaging presentation, and we'd like to share the PowerPoint slides she displayed to give you a chance to learn more about this sustainable practice, especially in light of our own food forest project, currently being established on the property!
If you are interested in learning more, please contact us at colpoysbaywi@gmail.com
Looking for volunteer hours?
Are you a secondary student in need of volunteer hours? We have opportunities for youth volunteers to earn their 40 hours of community service. Contact us for more information.